Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Is it Sour Grapes or Colossally Bad Ethics?

I'm wondering if there will be any public outcry from this report or if it will largely stay out of mainstream media.

Ex exec for Allstate, Mark Romano, claims that many insurance companies invest millions into claims software systems that "save them money," i.e., lowball claim payments to customers.

Mr. Romano’s report, “Low Ball: An Insider’s Look at How Insurers Can Manipulate Computerized Systems to Broadly Underpay Injury Claims,” provides insight on how companies use the reporting identify claims adjusters who manipulate the system to enhance payout. These adjusters are pulled aside for "more training."

In his report he identifies himself as former top honcho SME (subject matter expert) on the software program, Colossus, when he worked for Allstate. It was his responsibility to do any manipulations to the program that would assist with saving Allstate money.

Erie, Motorist Mutual, and Ohio Casualty representatives are very happy with the money the system has saved them.

I know, some of you would probably say, "Oh, hey, news flash: Earth is round, not flat!" I get that, I do. But this is the first time I've read about specific manipulation.

What do you think?