Thursday, August 9, 2012

Entering giveaways lately...

So I somehow got caught up in all these giveaways on blogs and its kinda fun! I haven't won anything yet, but it doesn't cost me but a few minutes time to fill out the form. Apparently some smart techy person figured out a software program that makes it super simple to host a giveaway and simply click "enter" buttons when you complete the task. Usually the task is to go "Like" someone's Facebook or Twitter page and share, tweet, etc. I am guessing this is due to the changes in Google's algorithms this year that change what is important to make someone's website or blog show up in the top ten. Anyway, I'm having fun. Today I entered into a perfume giveaway for Sinful or Francesca. I've never smelled either, but i need a new perfume anyway, might as well take a chance! If you get this in the next 15 min, go here to enter yourself! If you don't see this in time, it's a good thing to read if you are into fragrances as it gives a great description of both scents.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Is it Sour Grapes or Colossally Bad Ethics?

I'm wondering if there will be any public outcry from this report or if it will largely stay out of mainstream media.

Ex exec for Allstate, Mark Romano, claims that many insurance companies invest millions into claims software systems that "save them money," i.e., lowball claim payments to customers.

Mr. Romano’s report, “Low Ball: An Insider’s Look at How Insurers Can Manipulate Computerized Systems to Broadly Underpay Injury Claims,” provides insight on how companies use the reporting identify claims adjusters who manipulate the system to enhance payout. These adjusters are pulled aside for "more training."

In his report he identifies himself as former top honcho SME (subject matter expert) on the software program, Colossus, when he worked for Allstate. It was his responsibility to do any manipulations to the program that would assist with saving Allstate money.

Erie, Motorist Mutual, and Ohio Casualty representatives are very happy with the money the system has saved them.

I know, some of you would probably say, "Oh, hey, news flash: Earth is round, not flat!" I get that, I do. But this is the first time I've read about specific manipulation.

What do you think?

Friday, April 13, 2012

First Post Ever

I've wanted to start a blog for a long time.

Why didn't I do it sooner?

Because in true Rachel fashion I couldn't make up my mind what I wanted to write about.

I have a million interests and I bounce around between many on a regular basis. Should I write about favorite recipes? Should I discuss politics? Talk about the way chemical companies are poisoning our food with genetically modified seeds? Quilting? Sewing? Crocheting? Grandchildren? Education? Psychology? Books? Movies?

So I decided about two minutes ago: Yes.

I mean, really, why do I have to pick just one? If I decide I want to write about just one subject more intently, I can just create another blog. Who's going to read this anyway, right?! :)

So here I am world!